Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12- Ice

It happened this morning...
on the way to work, driving in the sun that was MIA the past few days.  No school, 2 hour delay for teachers- this means I had this "I am strolling on into work" mentality.  
Gabe had given me a mixed cd.  He handed me two, actually.  They were identical and not labeled.

Gabe- Here these are for you
Me- Are they mixed cds or one artist? or what?
Gabe- Mixes.  One is for like a dance party; the other is... acoustic. 
Me- k. Thanks. 

On the way to work I put one of these cds in.  I was not sure if it would be this dance party mix or the mellow acoustic mix but had decided to listen to it fully no matter what it was.  It was the latter (this made me happy, as I was definitely in more of a "mellow-mood" this morning). As the second or third song was coming on the most beautiful thing happened in the lane going the opposite way (on Hwy 74).  

Thinking back I can't even remember what, specifically, the song was.  All I know is that it was, as Gabe had previously described, "acoustic" and I am sure it helped make this moment so beautiful.   Anyway, the second I looked over the opposite lane a large semi-truck-thing (never have been sure of the proper term for these) released a layer of snow directly towards the sky.  It happened exactly the instant I looked at it as though my glance had actually caused this eruption.  This semi had been driving for who knows how long with this large sheet of ice frozen solid to it's roof.  I guess the air finally hit it right, or the truck hit a bump, or whatever. Whatever it was, it was beautiful.  The sun shining through all the pieces that seemed to fly up in an instant and fall in slow motion.

It reminded me of these shapes that we use in elementary schools for math instruction- tangrams.  They are those shapes that are different primary colors and include shapes like parallelograms, rhombi, squares, etc..  Well, yeah, it was like 50 huge white tangrams had shot into the air from this truck. 

...and I felt lucky to witness it.

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