Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2- "Miss Goad"

Today as I was preparing for school to start back, I decided it was time to clean all the student-made drawings from the sides of my desks. This is the new year, time to start fresh. See, as I get these drawings, doodles, posters, etc. from my students, I display them by taping them to the front and side of my desk.  I love getting these and love even more to see how much it means to my students when I hang them.  I have been doing this since the beginning of the year and as I filled the desk sides, I began taping the artwork on top of each other, creating layers and layers of notebook paper, computer paper, and construction paper that was full of bubble-letters, rainbows, letters, comic strips, signature pages, page-sized flowers, mazes...  

As I was peeling away these layers, I came upon a rap that a student had written about me.  I remember the day he gave it to me and how we laughed and smiled as I read it out loud.  Some parts were funny, some sweet, some put their just so it could rhyme.  I immediately  taped it to my desk (on top of others) and this awesome kid, he showed me his satisfaction-filled smile. Today, after finding it, I read it again.  I realized this time how sweet and honest the words are.  

Miss Goad

Miss Goad is cool Miss Goad is fun
Miss Goad is a mom to everyone.
She cares about what you say
She has a new outfit everyday. 
She is 12 years older than us
and she doesn't like to fuss. 
If you do something wrong you have to pull a stick
and don't even try to catch a fit. 
She makes stuff fun
and she waits for you to get done
she lets us work  in partners everyday
if you are not organized you will pay
you don't want to make a mess
she'll clean up some and you'll do the rest
I love her because she is so cool
you should have seen her when she was in school
If your row is nice and neat
she will give you a sweet treat
I tell you now she is smart
and Miss Goad has a lot of heart! 
We play sparkle every Thursday
And she will give some stuff away
She is so neat...
and did I mention she gives out treats?
My teacher.

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